
Launch Campaign

Produced at Banana Kick, Leeds


“Playfully innovative, Bar & Restaurant EightyEight will take you on a sensory journey, reworking classical Asian dishes to create a modern eastern experience.”

I was asked to come up with a creative approach that harnessed the unique style that this amazing new bar & restaurant had to offer. The campaign idea needed to be simple, adaptable and memorable for their exclusive audience.

The creative concept ‘EightyEight Reasons’ provided a simple, yet broad platform with which to run a distinct marketing campaign. This naturally helped to showcase the various aspects of the bar and restaurant to consumers in an intriguing way. 

The ‘Reasons’ also helped to educate consumers about any area of  the offering that we wished to shine a spotlight on. So, for example, ‘Reason 1. This is not just a restaurant, it’s an experience’. This adaptable execution gives a perfect on-brand overview of what to expect at EightyEight.  


Footlocker - Adidas Splash Pack Collection


BoilerQuote Brand Concept & Web Design